Optica’s next generation family of zVT mainframe virtual tape products delivers new levels of modularity, scalability and performance. When combined with Optica’s world-class service and support and satisfaction guarantee, the zVT 5000-iNAS, zVT 3000i and zVT 5000-FLEX offer the optimal mix of enterprise-class features, ease of implementation and affordability required to serve the broadest set mainframe customers and workloads in the industry.
The zVT 5000-FLEX Virtual Tape System enables you to leverage your existing investment in NFS or Fibre Channel (FC) storage. zVT 5000-FLEX connects to the mainframe via (2) FICON channels and can scale from 16 to 256 virtual tape devices in a single 2U appliance. zVT 5000-FLEX is available with (2) 1-GbE, (2) 10-GbE or (2) 8-Gbps Fibre Channel ports for backend connectivity to your exisiting storage. The 5000-FLEX exploits deduplication, replication, encryption and compression storage features that you’re already using. The zVT 5000-FLEX can be deployed in a multi-node configuration with NFS storage for additional scalability and resiliency.